Minou Norouzi
Minou Norouzi is a is a filmmaker, film curator, and writer based in London (UK) and Athens (GR). Her research examines the objectification the real in the context of interdisciplinary documentary practices. Her films have been shown at South London Gallery (London), Centre for Contemporary Arts (Glasgow), Telic Arts Exchange (Los Angeles), and at film festivals including the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, Kasseler Dok Fest, Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival. As an independent film curator, she initiated the Arts Council England funded Sheffield Fringe project in 2011 and has organized film-related events at Bloc Projects (Sheffield), Whitechapel Gallery and Close-Up Film Centre (London), UnionDocs Center for Documentary Art (New York), SALT Beyoğlu (Istanbul) and the Buenos Aires Museum of Modern Art among other venues. films texts

Revolutionary Patience: The Ethics of Non-interventionist Documentary Encounters | UK 2019 | Presentation | 10 min