Workshop programme 3
Thursday 16 July 2015, 10:00am
Studio 174
174 Harbour St
Kingston, Jamaica

Workshop programme 3: Portrait
Featuring Bogman Palmjaguar by Luke Fowler ( UK 2008).
As part of an educational training scheme at Studio 174 in Kingston Jamaica, structured as a twofold artists’ residency and summer school, we were invited to participate with six curated artists’ film programmes. Young people from the downtown area of Kingston worked together with students from the University of the West Indies and resident artists on a series of artistic works in various disciplines, including filmmaking, painting, radio, sound art, and photography. The workshops were organised by Openvizor and lead by resident artists Anton Kats and The Rainbow Collective.
The programmes curated by Minou Norouzi were organized thematically. To reflect the interests of the participants we made a selection based on six keywords: dreams, poetry, portrait, music, history, and performance, around which we structured the programmes.

Bogman Palmjaguar | Luke Fowler | UK 2008 | Video | 30 min
Bogman Palmjaguar is a portrait of a man who became distrustful of people and withdrew into nature. Bogman is passionate about the threatened habitat of Scotland’s Flow Country. But Bogman’s early life and subsequent diagnosis as “paranoid schizophrenic” conditions his relationships with other people. Describing himself as “the hidden cat” and “wild outlaw of paradise”, Bogman is taking legal action to remove the label “paranoid schizophrenic”. His is both a search for justice and an attempt to find reason in the course his life has taken over the past three decades. Lee Patterson’s evocative field recordings accompany the images.