Vera Brunner-Sung
Vera Brunner-Sung is interested in invisible histories, the way the past informs our present, and the timeless, psychic connection we develop with landscape. Her films and videos have been presented at numerous venues in the U.S. and abroad, including the Torino Film Festival, CPH:DOX, San Francisco International Film Festival, Images Festival, and the Onion City Experimental Film and Video Festival. Her writing has appeared in Sight & Sound, Moving Image Source, Cinema Scope, Senses of Cinema, and Art Lies. She is currently in post production on her first feature narrative, Bella Vista.

Der tiefe See/The Deep Sea | Switzerland/USA 2012 | Video | 22 min
Der tiefe See/The Deep Sea is a consideration of heimat and cultural identity through the idiosyncrasies of observation, language and memory. Clinical analyses of land and cityscape expose the tension between reality and an impossible ideal. Neutrality breaks into convulsions: a scream at midnight, the evening bells. The man in uniform has work to do.