David Jacques
David Jacques’ (Liverpool, 1964) practice engages with the subject of History, its narrative interpretations and the interplay between factual and fictional strategies of representation. His interest in historiography, in deconstructing and re-apportioning the subject often results in the exploration of forgotten, marginalised and socially / politically disruptive sources.
Recent exhibitions include Kirche St. Theodor, Koln, Germany (solo, 2012), Shanghart / Open Eye Gallery, Shanghai China & Liverpool (2012), 15th Antimatter Film Festival Victoria BC Canada (2012), ‘The Irlam House Bequest’, Walker Gallery, Liverpool (solo, 2011), ‘Democratic Promenade’, Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool (2011), 2010 Northern Art Prize Leeds,
Liverpool Art Prize, and EAST International 09.

The Irlam House Bequest | UK 2011-13 | HD | 15 min 48s
The Irlam House Bequest emerged from a series of drawings that analysed, mimicked and subverted the Victorian era British Labour Movement iconography favoured by an aspiring Trade Union aristocracy for their ceremonial banners. These drawings are attributed to a fictitious collective, an anonymous politico-cultural entity reflective of Hakim Bey’s T.A.Z. They assume a form that suggests a metaphorical reference to ‘shape-shifting’ myths, in their attempts to deny or pass through recuperation whilst in pursuit of a continual, affective engagement with the radical imagination.