Fred Lindberg
Fred Lindberg’s art practice is a plethora of personal expressions molded into a versatile chaos of what becomes `Fred the Artist`.
He organizes international art festivals, publishes poetry, makes music, art, photography and films. He has a television show called Shit TV…and sometimes he even paints.
Spontaneous to the point of insolence, the artist professes that even his upside down doodle adores him – and he does not appear to care.
About the work Lindberg says “A kiss can be a comma, a question mark or an exclamation point.” ~ Mistinguett (Jeanne Bourgeois). I wrote this note in my sketchbook about the video but I do not know if it is too explanatory. The desperation of loneliness, the bliss of solitude… or the combination of both in a relationship.
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Playing with the spectators willingness to be turned on – the ‘pornography of intimacy’, a term coined by Tony Dowmunt, is realized here as a ridiculous and desperately funny condition of mankind.