Alison Ballard
Alison Ballard’s current practice investigates the politics of sound and place creating works that use the materiality of sound to explore its possibilities as a political tool.
Alison is an Associate Lecturer at Nottingham Trent University where she completed a BA (Hons) Degree in Fine Art in 2004. She recently completed an MA in Sound Arts at the London College of Communication, University of the Arts London. She is also the creator of Audio Pigeon, a sound arts website that aims to raise the profile and enjoyment of all things sonic. Recent exhibitions include ‘Acoustic Boundaries’ Barbican London (Nov 2012- ongoing), “…on the boundary of sound” Nursery Gallery, London (2012) and Ethnographic Terminalia: Audible Observatories, SOMArts Cultural Centre San Francisco (2012).

The Consequence of Noise and Silence | UK 2012 | Video | 2 min 30s
On Christmas Eve in 1974, Cyclone Tracy hit the Australian city of Darwin leaving more than 41,000 of its 47,000 inhabitants homeless. Throughout the night they sought refuge any way they could as they listened to their world around them being physically torn apart. No-one saw the cyclon – but they all heard it.