Sheffield Fringe

Akio Yuguchi

Akio Yuguchi (1985, Japan) graduated in English Literature at Meijigakuin University in 2009. His is completing his MA in Audio Visual practice at Tallinn University (2014).
Yuguchi’s artistic concept circle around the idea of ephemerality, capturing the spacious moment in photos and expressing the temporal moment into films. By combining the quality of photography and videography, he wants to crystallize the spacious and temporal moment into a visual term.


Avec | Estonia/Japan 2014 | HD | 18 min 08s

“After my sister’s fatal accident, our family grew apart, each facing their loss alone. I managed to overcome the tragedy by living my life as honestly as possible. Living for her and myself became my purpose in life. Avec is a record of my sister and my confession of guiltiness.” – AY

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